Finding Gratitude in the Face of Grief

Part of an on-going Holiday Survival series offered by Adele Brookman for over 20 years, the Gratitude in the Face of Grief workshop stems from her work with loss from the AIDS epidemic, Mother-Loss, Parent-Loss and Sibling-Loss.

Phone screening and pre-registration required: (415) 681-7090

Issues covered include:

  • How healing it is to find and experience gratitude even during times of loss and grief
  • Loss of hope and finding it again
  • Missing departed loved-ones on this first holiday without them
  • Long-held grief that has surfaced from past losses

Goals of workshop include:

  • Participants’ stories are heard and cared about
  • How participants can incorporate gratitude into this Thanksgiving
  • Self-care strategies are developed for future holidays
  • Experience gratitude in mind, body, and spirit